It is possible to polish a car to improve the shine of its paintwork by using an abrasive to remove defects from the surface, either to fill or cover the rough defects. Visit NearU Mobile Auto Detailing Chula Vista before reading this.
The process of car polishing is:
After polishing the car, waxing protects the paint. This is done using natural products such as carnauba that can be found in paste form at auto detailing stores. It is important to note that the wax contains no abrasives and does not act as a filler. Therefore, it will not improve your car’s paintwork. Car wax is a great way to enhance the paintwork of a vehicle when it’s applied properly to pristine surfaces that have been cleaned and polished.
Automobile sealant, which is often misidentified as wax or called by the same name, is actually a liquid sealant made from synthetic “wax”. It comes in a liquid bottle, although some sealants are available in paste. Sealant is used by professionals to protect vehicles’ paintwork following thorough polishing. The synthetic composition of a sealant makes it more durable than natural waxes. It can, however, be combined with a natural one to get both a long lasting finish and a superior quality.
The best car detailing products are those that polish and protect the paintwork of your vehicle simultaneously. The all-in one quality product usually contains light abrasives that help remove defects and swirl marks. It also includes fillers for deeper paintwork imperfections, as well as a synthetic sealant to protect the painted finish. The all-in one car detailing products work very well to maintain the paintwork and exterior surface of the vehicle. It is possible to polish your vehicle even if it’s in good condition.
What is the recommended frequency of car cleaning?
Asking a car detailer “How frequently should I polish my car” will almost certainly result in them trying to get money out of your question. Some car detailing companies are reasonable. Frequency of polishing is determined by the state and condition of your car’s exterior. The quality of the car polish and the type used are also important factors to take into consideration, as both have their own durability periods. For example, you may have an amazing paintwork on your car and use a product that is all in one. I suggest to polish the vehicle every 4-8 weeks.
The car paintwork must not be overly polished, even if it’s in bad condition. This should be done no more than two times per year, as removing excessive material could damage the surface finish. When you decide that you need to polish your car again after a few months, use a car polishing all-in one product. This will allow you to renovate its exterior without any risk to paintwork.