Tag: phoenix sky harbor lost and found phone number

Get Lost and Love It: Unforgettable Journeys in Phoenix Little Havana

Oh, lostinphoenix.com. Like that friend who has always a new tale to tell. And just when you thought you knew them, they do something totally out of the blue. You’re going to visit a friend, but before you know it, you find yourself on an exciting adventure.

Let’s first talk about the murals. You’re strolling down a street that looks normal. Nothing fancy. Then bam. It’s as if you’ve just walked through a comic. There are more than just random paint splashes on the brick wall. These are tales of struggle, triumph and everything else. It’s almost as if the city chose to wear its heart, or rather its buildings.

Phoenix is a city that has a lot to offer, even if art is not your thing. Mother Nature likes to let her hair down – and she does. South Mountain Park will not be your typical day in the park. It’s like a nature-based version of theme park rides without the long queues or overpriced snack foods. The trails could take you anywhere – from views so breathtaking that you feel inspired to write poetry, even if this is your first attempt at writing.

We’ll talk food for just a moment. Have you tried a Sonoran-style hot dog before? Imagine all the good things in life in one package. This is a hot dog. This is not just a place to eat, it’s a culinary adventure.

Phoenix will teach you how to get lost without knowing where you’re at. It’s more about embracing whatever surprises you find and letting them delight you.

Taliesin West also exists. Frank Lloyd Wright did not play around with his creations. This place blurs the lines between indoors & outdoors so easily that ants don’t realize they’ve walked inside until they hit furniture.

So yeah, Phoenix is kind of like that choose-your-own-adventure book we all loved as kids–except now we’re adults, and the adventures involve less imaginary dragons and more real-life discoveries (though I’m still holding out hope for dragons).

Come to Phoenix, thinking that you’ll enjoy a relaxing visit with some cacti in the sunshine. Be prepared to leave with stories of a trip you thought was too good to believe (“Did i tell you how I ended up in a hidden jazz club ?”).? Losing your way here is not the same as missing out. You will find experiences that will last long after you have wiped off desert dust from your shoes. Welcome to My Little Havana where the life is lived loudly and with pride!