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Rhinoplasty San Francisco, one of America’s most popular cosmetic procedures

According to a survey conducted in recent years, rhinoplasty is ranked as the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in America. Stanley Jacobs from San Francisco explains the benefits of rhinoplasty. Every year Dr. Stanley Jacobs — who provides plastic surgery services in the San Francisco Bay Area — anticipates the release by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons of the national plastic surgical statistics. The statistics will reveal the top cosmetic surgical procedures that surgeons perform throughout the United States get more information.

In a consistent order, rhinoplasty is the most popular procedure, followed by breast augmentation. San Francisco patients may refer to the procedure as “nose shaping,” but regardless of what’s called it, this is a very popular treatment among people who want a new nose size and shape.

The most recently released figures by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that although the number of rhinoplasty procedures decreased from last year, dropping 2 percent to 217.124, it still ranked higher than liposuction or eyelid surgery.

Why are rhinoplasty services so in demand? Dr. Jacobs’ patients in San Francisco choose nose surgery because they want to change their noses for various reasons. This includes changing the noses that were inherited through genetics, correcting aging-related changes, fixing distortions after an accident, or to improve breathing.

Although rhinoplasty often comes second to breast enhancement in terms of overall popularity, certain demographics make it the preferred choice.

Men who, according to the report’s gender distribution, do not opt to have breast implants, prefer rhinoplasty to all other cosmetic surgeries available to them. Demographic breakdowns from 2013 show that male Rhinoplasty surgeries accounted much more than quarter of total male procedures in 2013. (They accounted for more that a quarter in all cosmetic surgeries for both women and men during the same year.)

Rhinoplasty has also been rated as the number one plastic surgery procedure for people younger than 30, including those in the age groups of 20-29, 13-19 and even the teens. Nose reshaping should only be done when the patient is fully grown at least in facial terms, which usually happens around the age of 15 or 16. However, Dr. Jacobs is willing to make an allowance for patients who have a poor functional ability and are having difficulty breathing.

In part because it is so popular, some doctors think they can handle rhinoplasty with relative ease. However anyone considering this procedure should give careful consideration to the doctor who will actually be performing the surgery. Patients who want rhinoplasty can ask questions to a facial plastics surgeon, such as what other procedures they might recommend. As the nose is the most prominent facial feature, even small adjustments to its size or shape can have significant effects on the rest. The results of a successful rhinoplasty should include a balanced facial proportion, which includes the chin as well as cheekbones, ear, and other features.

It is important that patients thoroughly research their potential doctor’s history, and pay particular attention to the emphasis on facial surgeries. Plastic surgeons who are qualified to perform rhinoplasty must also be skilled in ear-nose-and throat surgery.

While rhinoplasty might be popular, the fact remains that it is still a form of surgery. This means that the patient must be in good condition before the procedure.

The fact that three of the top five most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States focus on the face, and that a fourth–liposuction–can be applied to the neck, chin, and eye areas as well, shows that patients put a lot of weight on presenting the face they want to the world.